Formula 1 Betting Online

When it comes to motorsports, it doesn’t get better than Formula 1. Formula 1 is not only the richest and most popular form of car racing out there, it is also one of the most popular among bettors.
The only problem with Formula betting is that during the offseason there’s not much to bet on, but then again, that ‘problem’ is something every sport (with the exception of maybe soccer) has to deal with. When the action is on though, there’s plenty to bet on. Obviously, the most popular Formula 1 bets are those placed on the winner of an individual race. Besides that there are almost countless wagering opportunities though. One can also bet on who crosses the finish line first at the end of the first lap, on who finishes second, third or further down the order. Bets are also available on the constructors’ championship and on the eventual world champion.
For those truly interested in Formula 1 betting, a deeper look into the various Formula 1 bets is warranted.The main bet categories are:
1. Qualifying bets – Formula 1 contestants need to qualify in order to be allowed to take part in an actual race. The qualifying sessions determine the shape of the starting grid too.
2. The podium finish bet is a bet on which drivers will finish in the top 3.
3. The points finish is a bet on who finishes in the top 8.
4. The fastest lap time bet is quite self-explanatory really.
5. The safety car bet is a wager on whether or not the safety car will be needed during the course of a race.
6. The number of finishers is a bet on how many drivers manage to finish the race.
7. The winning distance bet is a wager on how far ahead of the pack the winner comes in at the end.

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