Casino South Africa Disclaimer

Please read this important information before gambling at any online casino as it is your responsibility to ensure online gambling is legal in your country of residence.
Online gambling or Interactive gambling is illegal in some Countries, States or Jurisdictions. It remains your responsibility to check your regulations before gambling online. takes no responsibility for your actions.
This site disclaimer is for online casino and general gambling information purposes. You can not gamble on this site.
We will attempt to keep all our information up to date. The online casinos do, however make changes to their bonus offers and terms and conditions. No online casino will be bound by the terms of an outdated advertisement or promotion, we cannot be held liable for having any outdated information on this site. We strongly advise that you check through the casino site before playing to ascertain the casinos current terms and conditions.
Gambling may be illegal in certain jurisdictions or countries. We cannot determine the legal status of online gambling for each site visitor. We would suggest that you check with your local authorities before gambling online. We also have no control as to the Registration, Country, jurisdiction, location of any person/s who partake in online/interactive gambling.
South African Online Gambling
The current status is that interactive gambling from within the Republic of South Africa is illegal. Whilst we promote the Rand currency - this is for players outside of South African borders wishing to gamble in Rands. Furthermore - In terms of the Exchange Control Rules, it is illegal for South African residents to participate in foreign lotteries, sweepstakes and betting organizations.
South African Rand Currency
Our advertising of the South African Rand (Zar) currency is intended for those countries trading/utilising the South African Rand (Zar) currency and for use by person/s outside of South African Borders. The Rand (Zar) currency is not for use by person/s residing in South Africa to partake in online/interactive gambling.
South African Free Play Registration
You can register for free play as entertainment purposes only, you can not deposit money. Inorder to register for Free Play, you still need to download the casino software and complete the Free Play registration.
The only legal forms of gambling in South Africa as per the National Gambling Board notice number: 002/2007 - 16 April 2007 are the following:
1) Betting/wagering with licensed operators.
2) Online betting or wagering is permitted with licensed operators.
3) Bingo conducted by licensed operators within the Republic.
4) Casino land based gambling conducted by licensed operators within the Republic.
5) Limited payout machines conducted by licensed operators.
It is illegal for persons under 18 years of age to gamble.
Player Identification
This site, in accordance with all Online Casinos privacy policy/terms and conditions, does not obtain or have any access to any player/s identification or casino account details. This is private information kept by the casino only.
Gambling Problem
There are a number of signs that indicate problem gambling. One of The biggest signs is when you find yourself losing more than you can afford to lose. Your online casino can help by locking your account, (you can email them to request this ) If you think you may have a problem, find the support you need at the links below:
We have used whatever means we have at our disposal to try and list only those casinos who have the ability to honor their commitments. We don't have insight into their financial status and thus will not be held liable for their actions.
We are totally independent to any of the online casino/s, nor do we have any ownership or share holding/s with any online casino/s. Should you experience difficulty in your dealings with any of the casinos listed, we will happily provide whatever support at our disposal in an effort to resolve your dispute.
Casino Rules
We remind you that online casinos have terms and conditions/rules and that it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the casinos rules before playing there.
Welcome Bonus
Most online Casinos offer new players a welcome bonus. There is a play through requirement that the player must play before the player may cash in. The play through requirement will vary from casino to casino, we therefore advise you to read all terms and conditions including any terms and conditions relating to play through requirements.
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Subject to change, subscribers will be notified.